Chicago youth hockey forum. CM and TI don’t have 20 commits yet, who cares what Fury will throw out there and even the vaunted Purple Storm is too embarrassed to post their U16 roster. Chicago youth hockey forum

 CM and TI don’t have 20 commits yet, who cares what Fury will throw out there and even the vaunted Purple Storm is too embarrassed to post their U16 rosterChicago youth hockey forum  Chesterfield Falcons (CSDHL) 18U AA 23-2-1 90

Dont worry your little 2014 superstar is in good hands I'm sure. Bantam & Midget ESD: Bob Heelan, Ryan Taylor, Chris Affinati, Brett Lebda, Greg Kischer and Nick Meo. 6:41 PM - Aug 09. MESSAGES. Bites. There are so many issues with Illinois hockey but the major one is the AA clubs. MESSAGES. DISCUSSIONS. Swamy 45. Safesport. The other divisions are for the tier 2 kids and fake AAA teams. Leafs. Login; Join; HOME. Reckon there was too much discussion about puck luck. NOTIFICATIONS > > How MHR works. Very few can get quality clubs to travel to Chicago to play games which makes it just like Tier1 hockey, without the top tier talent which means more tournaments and travel. Deterred by “locked” rosters. Some of the bigger pools start earlier, for example Squirt and PW A will start the 1st week in Feb and the smaller pools will start the 2nd week. Swami 10 is getting day drunk with ¾ of the Storm coaching staff and one proctor at Orbit, drowning away his sorrows of his bender’s double demotion down to NIHL silver. Share. Chicago Youth Hockey Forum. Typically. Join the Chicago Youth Hockey Forum today to connect with players, parents, and coaches. It’s comparable to Squirt AAA. NOTIFICATIONS > > HHD. March. 21 posts. I see Cali, UT, MT, OH, FL and AZ(2) are represented. 'Tis the season! Loser. Chicago Youth Hockey Forum. So if you remove a wife and kids from a coaching bio they must not exist. Share. But here the club remains - fielding good CS teams at most every level, preparing and moving kids onto AAA teams, and attracting others as a “destination” club. It's abundantly clear the Reapers are the only AAA team for the 2013 birth year in IL and with the exception of maybe a couple of other kids here and there on Mission, TI, Fury & Storm, the vast majority of those other kids should be playing AA, the real question is how long are all those parents on. Spring summer teams and training are another 4k and tag on 5-6 tourney aka 25-30 games, 100 ice hours and 100 dryland hours. 8:23 PM - Sep 09 #2. Those will make good additions to the 200 x 85 brick team. xx in Orland Park, IL. Find online forums for youth hockey in Chicago and other regions of the US and Canada. 2. Ping Pong Balls wrote: ↑. 2:31 AM - Mar 27. Johnny. Hammered wrote: BUSINESS SENSE wrote: ↑. The car ride coaches who pay their kids for goals and don’t help teach them the “team” first mentality. MONEY, less rink profit in half ice - Take 3 clubs near each other who have 10 teams of 12 for 120 each play 2 games. Bulldogs/Sabres - Sabres win by 5. Mr Delete. If they don’t this year - what a waste of money. The coaches, Lew and ME are clowns and the hockey world sees this. Tier 1 coaches aren’t supposed to recruit other players until after the season. 3:53 AM - Jan 03. Nothing has changed. Coach must’ve gotten caught all up in his feelings. DISCUSSIONS. That said, the CS teams are like combined teams, where they get players from all over to play for the team. It would have been smarter for the Storm to stick to the independent development model, the only problem is that they don’t develop young talent very well at all. Stormin Norman. Top 1-3 get a scholarship at a good hockey school (UM, Boston). 12 posts. Login; Join; HOME. Yawn. Clubs with an affiliated juniors team have an edge. U18 cs. Illinois still has only two teams at each age group that compete well nationally. Share. Jets/Pekin - Jets win both but they are close games. It's all about the MONEY! USA Hockey and AHAI are both hurting for more money, player registration is down, and expenses are up. Gamblers and Caps are routinely playing and barely beating or losing to AA teams. 101 posts. 3 New Jersey Rockets. At any level of travel hockey Dad coaches are horrible for team development. Most clubs run a pretty good organization. Yacksumash. 4. With all the talk on this forum about “you know who”, the two. Dec 05, 2022. Stay home. If you have. 3. Congrats to the TI u16s for. Lots of miserable humans. DISCUSSIONS. I got a feeling it’s because their kids just aren’t very good at hockey, and this fact just kills them inside. If we do cross ice those 120 kids in teams of 8 make up 15 teams. Hmmm. USA Hockey needs to revamp their entire nationals. Scum snake oil salesman with a leader who has anger management issues and a hockey director that couldn’t get a job as a cashier at a local grocery store. Parents can participate in an elephant walk in one of the empty locker rooms after the kids hit the ice. Chicago Youth Hockey Forum Share Topics Replies Views Last post REQUESTS FOR MODERATION by Guest 0 Replies 36. Lots of 1v1 and reps for the money. Login; Join; HOME. Obviously, the snakes. Reapers are just better. Last post by Guest 12:42 AM - 12 days ago. RV hitting the bottle hard this weekend. if the CLUB determines that you do not fit into their NCDC team, the CLUB can. MESSAGES. Share with: Link: Copy link. Sabres are/should be top 3 in the league but they aren't playing like it. That Blackbirds team has lost every game by double digits. Loooooo ser. Swamy 45. NOTIFICATIONS > > Another Banner Weekend. NOTIFICATIONS > > Central States or Elite. That’s a bit more than stick and puck. Agree with the poster above to an extent, but I think Green is top 10. Share with: Link: Copy link. MESSAGES. Chicago Youth Hockey Forum. 2011. Mites won’t really matter as most of the state plays aau not USA hockey. Dunno. Post Oct 02, 2018 #1 2018-10-02T22:24. Bulldogs and Hawks (by way of head to head tiebreaker) finished 1st in their pool. This was done once usa hockey instituted the adm. Nothing changes and the team won't be competitive. - Mission 7, ECW 21, BJE-11, LC-9, Philly ( no data). 3,815 likes · 1 talking about this. Share. MESSAGES. Let’s make the sport even softer. 2 posts. Share with: Link: Copy link. Coach and HD. First make sure you understand how hockey works in Chicago. T101. European. Vikings. IL dads wrote:Well done IL dads, yet again making yourselves look like idiots in the hockey world. Chicago Youth Hockey Forum. Share with: Link: Copy link. Chicago Youth Hockey Forum. lewis simon - u10 minor. Different variations of this - but all are the same. Through our flagship initiatives – Learn-to-Skate Chicago, Hockey On Your Block, Figure Skating On Your Block, and Pathfinders Positive Youth Development – we engage over. Oh probably because they play against the best competition at that age, enjoys traveling and seeing different ways of life throughout the country and in some cases other countries, play in some really cool rinks, meet some current college and pro players at tourneys, possibly get noticed by scouts who attend the tourneys and showcases. Sorry. Well the magical roster is still not posted, must be waiting on the Wisconsin Cuts to fill their roster. . Chicago Youth Hockey Forum. There are probably more bad than great, The point is that there are proportionally more good players on green, and more than a handful on the other teams. Jun 08, 2022. Historically this is about how things pan out when comparing MHR of CS and SHL. Login; Join; HOME. Flames played better than the bottom two teams in CS. DISCUSSIONS. 30 posts 1; 2; Next; High school hockey High school hockey. Its probably an educational moment to for the officials to call things tighter in the beginning and set the tone. To me so far, it has made no difference that one son played in CUHL and the other is there. 17 Storm. Only 3 Tier 1 teams with girls going to Madison, Milwaukee, and St Louis to play. Chicago Youth Hockey Forum. Please, tell us more about this super deep birthyear just dominating hockey in the midwest. VH gets a shorty with 5 min left in 3rd to go up 2-1. It’s perfect, really. far from shy. 8K Views Last post by Guest. Reach out to me at deromahockey@gmail. Wisconsin Youth Hockey Forum. 6:10 PM - Aug 27 #40. 4:39 PM - Sep 15 #9. Chicago Youth Hockey Forum. Look at them wrote: How bout them flames topping Sabres. EC is a business man eventually he’ll figure out to stay away from that lunatic dad has a big toxic mouth. Weeetard. They were never any kind of hockey meca on the boys or girls side. Tsk tsk. Chicago Youth Hockey Forum. Login; Join; HOME. 3:04 PM - Apr 19 #19. Any truth. DISCUSSIONS. Sorry it’s just the truth. 2011 hockey is tier II hockey. Samwise. Share with: Link: Copy link. The thing missing from the Chicago Brick team, that other teams have, is elite coaching. Cube as been bought out by Creal Capital and some fake Crypto company. $1,000 slush fund isn't completely crazy. Seems like Wilmette has become the place to go, especially if your player plans to play for NT or Loyola. Share. 4. Login; Join; HOME. Spring: kids play for their AAA club, lax, or HS for fun. Pay hundreds of dollars to try out. Parent fashion parade. MESSAGES. 7 posts New Player New Player. Don’t feel bad if your son didn’t make the “list” it’s all BS and pay to play in Illinois. Nov 01, 2022 #7. He will be revamping our entire Midget program as well as step into a coaching role with our 2008 and 2010 skaters this spring. 15 kids make the team. Nov 15, 2021 #1. Can we all agree it's time for some changes. This forum is "Chicago (or IL)" Youth Hockey Forum. NorthShoreReapers Hockey AAA? AA?? It seems as though Chicagoland hockey is very different compared to Dallas wide hockey that really is based around the Dallas Stars club. 92. Chicago Youth Hockey Forum. These will definitely get him to NCAA and onto the show from there. In a thread last week someone who seemed to be "in the know" talked about AHAI meeting on June 5th to discuss changing the 2/4/6/8 rule. Hockey is broken, money has ruined it. Biggest takeaways? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk. More like Bama vs Illinois. Chicago Youth Hockey Forum. Share. 9 posts. Louis this weekend. Jun 08, 2022 #11. Reapers are just. 2:09 PM - Sep 22. 10:01 PM - Oct 19 #1. Chicago Youth Hockey Forum. Wrong. Good job reapers. For others, HS hockey is the best option. Biggest game of the day was Chesterfield vs Afton. It’s a choice pal. Players don’t want to go watch games to see fans in the stands. That team would be middle of the pack in prospects. 4:18 PM - Today #2. That’s the beauty of youth hockey. Couldn’t agree more. While Reapers may take a step back, MHR loves to put the Chicago teams high in the rankings, so there will be 3 in the top 20. Flames/Chargers - Flames win by a lot. Saint Theresa. MESSAGES. Leave while your still alive. If that’s a money grab to you. Share with: Link: Copy link. Combine that with injuries/illness, and they are probably playing short every single week. Tryouts are in a. I. (4-0 on the stl weekend) Eagles beat sting 8-0 in one of their games. Next. The top 5. That club just can’t keep away from suspensions. He also thinks Tommy Hawk is very cool and always wants to hug him when we are down at the UC. You all sound ridiculous. JJQ. Nashville got booted for not being competitive enough, and Madison decided they’d rather lose to AAA teams than AA teams. Share with: Link: Copy link. 6:50 PM - Sep 25. 2- Kids go play on different teams from this area. With all the talk on this forum about “you know who”, the two goalies that played this game are. I do always think this is hilarious. 144 posts Page 8 of 8. CCM Denver, one of the bigger early season tournaments, has already switched to non-USAH sanctioned. Lies and wrong. Aurora is rapidly getting into the top 15 as well. I thought they put on decent hockey tournaments but PSE housing which they also owned and required you to use was terrible. Hello, Can someone please explain to me the real. Here was the requirements during the “tryout” process. Chicago Youth Hockey Forum. What a fantastic showing by two IL 2013 AAA teams this weekend. The Chicago Youth Hockey Forum, often referred to as CYHF, is not just about scoring goals and winning games; it’s a place where dreams take shape and future. Share with: Link: Copy link. Obviously, the snakes. This Chicago steel tourney lineup is barely AAA for most teams . Login; Join; HOME. Should get picked up when he is 9 or 10 by the AAA team. 3:50 PM - Sep 01 #19. The hawks and Vikings both should withdraw. Dad coaches. Denver will end its citywide mask mandate for businesses and indoor public. The kid sucks so bad he can’t even advance to National camp out of Central District, but he’s going to make a USHL roster. NOTIFICATIONS > > 2011 AAA. by Guest. 6 posts Girls hockey Girls hockey. It's bad enough CS won't do a play-in, but to have the next level of teams split between NIHL and Prospects without a seeding round between all the teams is bad for everyone. Finally ~$3K in privates with your club coach or your club coaches buddy. Regarding STL from a STL hockey parent - At each age, two STL CS open district teams would at least have a chance to be competitive. Hockey Factory from WI is also “trying” to improve kids at younger ages. I’m not in general disagreement to play boys, but let’s think a bit. MyHockey Rankings. Losers. Storm News. Chargers in at all levels except 16u. oh. 5- Fury. 5-10 none to little scholarship money 3rd/4th line players. Bites. Yeah man, we should lobby USA Hockey to remove the sport in Illinois completely. Dunno. Share. 3:35 AM - Oct 30 #16. 1 post So what happened? So what happened? 2007 CS. Share. All other teams make fun of Chicago. It would have been smarter for the Storm to stick to the independent development model, the only problem is that they don’t develop young talent very well at all. The Sabres did the right thing and fired him. MESSAGES. MESSAGES. May 27, 2020. 11:30 PM - Sep 16 #1. Given that Covid is likely to fuck this up again in some way, we told him he had to pick one. Only the AA representative from U14, U16, U18 go to nationals in each state. Vikings. tune in and watch an elite level mite team like the International Stars or MN Blades or Yellow Bananas from Toronto. Northbrook Teams 25-37-14 At The Break. Quisquiliarum gentium! Share this topic with: You are posting as a Guest without being logged in. 12 guys two goalies three on three for an hour at 10-20 dollar a kid will beat any fucking Guru skate. Team Midwest is Illinois. NOTIFICATIONS > > 2022 Spring. MESSAGES. 95 posts. Share with: Link: Copy link. Who Cares. May 16, 2020 #2. 12:13 AM - Sep 30. NOTIFICATIONS > > DADDY COACH Idea. DISCUSSIONS. (4-0 on the stl weekend) Eagles beat sting 8-0 in one of their games. Tier 1 hockey is incredibly fast compared to CS. I personally love the nostalgia of an old rink. MESSAGES. You have vikings barely beating sting and then vikings beating eagles. There are the big time programs and then there are all these other schools who classify as D1, but they are a few tiers below the big programs. NOTIFICATIONS > > U15 AAA. Login; Join; HOME. Vikings @ Sting: 6-3. So you're looking at another $1,100 -$1,600 on top of what's listed. We knew this 25 years ago, but now everyone expects the ( fill in your club ) to make their kid a world beater. Leif eriksson. SHL daddies claim they are far superior so let the chips fall where they may. Login; Join; HOME. ^^ oops i am dumb wrong thread. 18 posts JJ McCarthy JJ McCarthy. 3:33 PM - Oct 26 #5. May 12, 2022 #14. 12:00 PM - Aug 22 #63. NOTIFICATIONS > > Chicago Next? Share. They were outscored 27-1 last weekend and likely wouldn’t even make the CSDHL playoffs. I know people love to be haters on this site but it’s pretty frickin cool in my opinion. Expect this team will make the playoffs with top 5 in reach. Anonymous. 8:18 PM - 21 days ago #3. Who looks good in the catholic league? Can Carmel and rice. Share. Swamy 45. College football commentators love talking about how Michigan. Travelsports. That’s total kids, not per team. Chicago Youth Hockey Forum. I have two players, one CUHL and one NIHL Bantam who also refs both USA Hockey and the AAU. Jun 08, 2022. 10th time's the charm. Clubs need to be honest with themselves. If it’s that bald Fuck SD it’s embarrassing that you’re talking about shitty AAA U18 hockey. DISCUSSIONS. phone. . Website says the Illinois team beat the Blades 13s. and anything Coach of the Year wants. “You sir are clasless” go home you’re drunk. Dick Butkus. It seemed a little extreme, but was ultimately worth it to make sure my bender got a fair tryout. Although, Hawks have an additional offering at Squirts and above with their NWHL teams. Skokie once had a respectable Midget program. Then invites will go out to alternates in the order they were ranked. MESSAGES. NOTIFICATIONS > > USHL Combine. 11:02 PM - Aug 29 #4. 19 posts 2022 WJC 2022 WJC. All they care about is bringing in as many kids as they can to bring. Yes, there are kids on those teams that played high end AAA, but they chose the school for the education. MESSAGES. Zero Difference than your AAA kid (if he’s actually AAA) Not a single actual high level (parent of a player actually going somewhere) parent would ever comment on this thread. Our club also covers the glass with paper, but there is an exception. Oct 08, 2021 #4. Chicago Youth Hockey Forum. The whole fucking post makes shows you have no grasp of women's college hockey and how that relates to an obvious pecking order at the Chicago AAA clubs. 3:30 AM - Sep 30 #49. Congrats to the Reapers who are showing all of Chicago and the nation the proper way to run a true AAA club. It’s an Ex-Sabre Daddy that was tired of having his kids on the lower teams so he bought them a Tier 3 charter. 1 game a day for the first 3 days.